Car wrap designs can make a big impact when you get it right, and they are one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your business. But for maximum impact, you need a design that shows off your business’s personality to boost your brand. Effectively, your car becomes a moving billboard, with eye-catching appeal.
However, you’ll need a certain level of skill to create an impactful design. It’s not easy designing for curves and angles, particularly if you’re going for a complete wrap. These five simple tips should help you get it right.
Get inspired
Before you start designing, get inspired. Google ‘best car wrap designs’, and seek out the competition to see what they’re doing. There are plenty of great design examples out there that can bring your branding and logo to life.
Bring your brand to life
You’ll already have your own brand colours and other visual assets such as logos. Combining them with sound design principles of balance and harmony will help to bring your brand to life.
After all, if you don’t use your car wrap to show off your brand personality, you’re not making the most of the opportunity. A well-designed wrap can create thousands of impressions for pennies. So make sure you showcase your brand assets loud and clear, and don’t add confusing or conflicting elements that detract from your branding.
Focus on readability
Car wrap designs have just a handful of seconds to make an impression. So make the most of clear and legible fonts and high contrast to get the message across. People should be able to read your messaging without effort, and know what products and services you offer at a glance.
We live in a highly saturated visual world where you need to make the right impression to be remembered. Choosing bold, uncomplicated text on a contrasting background has high impact and keeps your business – and your car wraps – top of mind.
Even if you use a script font for your business name, use a simple font for key messaging. And if your company colours don’t create high contrast, use a tone that does.
Avoid overcrowding
Yes, your design should be bold and eye-catching. But that’s not the same as cluttering your car wrap with unrelated images and dense text. The most impactful designs may be bold and dynamic, but they depend on sophisticated and uncluttered execution.
It’s always better to keep your design simple. So pare back any unnecessary design elements and eliminate any fussy backgrounds so your key messaging stands out.
Trust the professionals
Designing a standout vehicle wrap isn’t easy. You need to work with templates and be comfortable with designing to scale. That’s one of the reasons why most businesses trust professional designers to create high-impact designs.
You could use an off-the-peg design and customise it, but to really maximise your ROI, your design should be unique.
Car wraps by Vehicle Sign Writing
At Vehicle Sign Writing, we offer a complete professional vehicle wrapping service from design to installation. Make the most of vehicle graphics for your business, and contact us today.